I just have to say thank you so much to Pixie ! She has a great blog and she also has a pod cast on Itunes. Last week I sent her 2 pair of knitting needles I had made with some stitch markers and she really liked them and with that she gave me a blog spot light on her pod cast this week, YAY! I really love giving the stuff that I make away, I am not a good sales person, never have been. I have to admit it was pretty weird to have someone talk about you that you haven't met, It almost felt like when you would call into a radio show and talk on the air type of feeling. Weird I was notorious for doing that Way back when, to win stuff, I know im a weird like that in a nerdy way. But I have to say I really enjoy her pod cast the most, I can relate more to her than all the other pod casts on Itunes, and there is no BS music breaks that I hate so much, I was so relieved when I found her pod cast. You have to check it out it's free. Most of all I feel like we are on the same level and that's what counts in my book. And yes pixie you did say my name right on the money.
knitting : I did finish the tempting II. I have to take a picture of it and post tomorrow morning. It came out great. The funniest thing I did and I thought I was being cool to out bid someone that was on the hunt also, but in the end I screwed my self royally. On eBay I found more Calmer in khaki the price wasn't bad until I decided to out bid the other person on the other end, So the price went up to 41 dollars for 5 balls which was great but then I thought to myself do I really need this in the same color, no not really. So of course I won it and it was from the UK and I was pissed because they charged me shipping and handling which was bull because the other balls I got the last timearound on eBay was only 15 bucks for 2 ball without any handling charges. So in the end it cost me 50 buck and I was so pissed. Don't know what I am gonna do with it, although there is 175 yards in each ball. So Im thinking another sweater in calmer from the Rowan calmer book.
The some what cowl... Im questioning my gauge. And Im not sure about it. I think it's on gauge, it looks on gauge even when I checked the gauge twice. It look a little small but I haven't even joined it yet so im going to knit a bit more and see what happens.
So until tomorrow, Have a good night. and an update with Tempting II will be up, I will model it for you all.