Yea, Yea I know Im getting bigger. As of now Im almost 29 Weeks which makes it 1 week into my 7th month, She kicks like crazy. I can't wait to meet this little girl. The shower plans are all in the works Jan 13th it is. I can't wait to see all my friends from my old job in westchester, I hope they all make it. Other than that I have been knitting a whole lot I made arm warmers with cascade angora yarn, I have to say they are the fuzziest things and it gets in my eyes. Very Annoying. I will post a picture of them later, I have to charge my camera batteries. I have a few days off so I ran to the library this morning to get some knitting books I put on reserve so I can sit and snuggle on the couch with a cup of hot coco and the blankets over me tonight Because its so freakin cold today in New York, and read and copy patterns.... Shhhhh , Don't tell anyone.
Also this morning I had to go to the lab to take the glucose test YUCK!!!! that was so gross, It tasted like orange flat soda and you had to drink it in 5 minute's and then wait an hour and then they take your blood. "my favorite part". It always creeps me out when they wipe you vein with the alcohol pad ugg, I just know whats coming next and I work myself up but its really nothing I just hate the feeling. So that was my day. Until the next post Have a great weekend.