Thursday, March 10, 2005

Last night I gathered all of my 100% wool and I put them on the yarn winder and I was winding away. I had so much fun. and the colors are so vibrant. I dont know what to do with them, I did buy more handpainted yarn at And there is someone that is interested in buying my felted bags and she was asking if I wanted to make them for her and she will give me orders and she will pay me. That sound great! It sound to good to be true. but we will see.
Posted by Hello

1 comment:

me myself and i said...

Hey there!
I have got to get my hands on a ball winder!!!! Maybe for Mothers Day??? I have to start dropping hints.
The bag is awesome as usual! You are so creative! I will miss you guys tonight. See you on saturday unless there is a major snowstorm!
PS. Dont you just LOVE Secret Pals????????