Ohhhh Yea, We are going to have a baby... I guess Cabo San Lucas was a very relaxing vacation.
So when we got back from vacation I wasn't quite myself and I knew something was different.
So last Tuesday I took the test at work and it came out positive but that wasn't enough proof I had to take another and another and they were all positive, YAY!!!! Im very excited so is Mark and his parents and my parents of course being this will be their 1st Grandchild. But all in all I feel great no Nausea I just feel like im cramping every day but mild cramps. My due date you ask, well I went to the doctors on Thursday and every thing went well and every thing was official and I felt so relieved after I left the office my first sono will be on July 8th and so on and so forth and my Due date is March 1st and I am exactly 4 weeks. It's all so very exciting and in the same hand im scared to death. I think every woman goes through it. and to Nanc I guess I was hiding a little secret in the picture after all, I just didnt know it.