Thursday, June 21, 2007

By far the best picture so far

So I recently had to take her to the doctor for an emergency visit because she was very irritable and started the not eating thing and I knew something was wrong, I was getting a little nervous so I called the doctor and they told me to come right in, I knew she was teething but I just wanted to make sure and I was right. The only thing that worried me was her ears were mild to moderately red the doctor said that it's all connected that usually happens. So I had to give her antibiotics and she felt better right away thank god. But all in all she is a very happy baby and I love to pieces. I really can't imagine our life without her and I know that feeling will stronger as the years go by.


Devon said...

AW, she is so sweet! Love that tongue and big eyes!! Charisse, are you able to find any time or motivation to knit? I finally picked up a vest I just need to sew up and add the colar, I am determined to finish it this month!

Gracie said...

Adorable!! We are amidst teething as well. It isn't fun! Hylands teething tablets have saved my life! I should buy stock.