Talk soon.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
I don't have a title for this one
Talk soon.
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Here's to the anonymous comment!
Stiches east.

Stiches East Yarn purchase. Interlacements, My secret pal got me hooked on.
Glass needles they are so pretty, very much for show but I will use them for special projects. Some dark color Noro, Lornas laces top right. And the little black sheep tape measure. The lady said that they were rare because when you order one dozen white sheep a black sheep comes in the bag. Get it! The black sheep of the family. hehehe!

Saturday, September 24, 2005
Stiches East! Whatever!
Monday, September 19, 2005
Famous Dave's
New project over the weekend.

We went on a mission this Sunday I needed a book case for all my knitting books, I was stuffing them all over the place, Under the couch under the sewing machine, I was running out of space I couldn't take it any more. Looks great and there seems to be more room. And every thing is neater. YEA!!!!!! Im so happy now. I don't have to look for anything any more it's all on the shelf.

More Needles

Made more needles today, Start with plan dowels, And a pencil sharpener, Some sand paper a brush and polyurethane, and polymer clay so easy.You can't really see them great but I gonna keep making them so I will have them done for Christmas gifts for all my knitter friends. I can't wait. It's a lot of sanding But they are coming out great.

Saturday, September 17, 2005
Hand Made knitting needles

So From seeing Rebecca's Cool needles, she motivated me to start the needles I had on hold for the longest time because it has been so hot and I didn't want to turn on the oven. So when Janette said to use the toaster oven I felt like an idot. And I started them today, I made like 4 sets already and I think im going to give them as gifts for Christmas. I have to get started and keep them coming Because I have a lot of friends on my list.

Friday, September 16, 2005
What a great Birthday !
A David bowie DVD the new one. And Classic perfume for banana republic, I love that smell. I drench myself in it. And a new digital camera. A 5.0 mega pixel I was so shocked and happy. Now I can post better pictures. He said my other picture was crappy and I always use it for my blog and I needed a new one. So there you have it.
And on the knitting front I am making a baby blanket for Marks friend. They had a boy I think the name was going to be Evan. Not sure. But I have to get it done soon before we go over to see them. and I knitted a little hat that wont fit the baby till it's like 6 months. I still have to finish the clapotis but a lot of it is done I have to post that too. I have to take pic's with the new camera and see how they come out I can't wait to post them.
And on Thursday night im going with Mary and Dani to stiches east can't wait for that that's going to be fun. I just hope there are sales or something to that matter. I put that I needed to be out at 7:00 for that night at work so I can't get to Dani's house on time. I hope she's reading this. And that''s about it, Now I just have to prepare dinner for later Marks sleeping, he's going to run the Cow Harbor tomorrow I hope it doesnt rain last year it did and he was miserable, and he wan't me to go with him last year I had an excuse I had to work, I have no excuse this year. I really hope it does'nt rain.
I have to wake him soon. and knit later on. or maybe knit now.
Monday, September 12, 2005
Holy. It's been 5 Days
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Not much to report.
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Friday, September 02, 2005
On the knitting front What a great night last night at SnB, I went early and got in hours that I have missed in the past 2 months. I stayed till the very end like usual, lots of new comers. Which the group loves to see, we are definitely growing. Jenn was there, I miss her. And all the others. And then Talin and I did our normal thing after SnB and went to Borders.
So today is our Anniversary and we are going out to a nice romantic dinner, I know it's only a year but It's exciting. My mom and Dad called me this morning to wish me a happy one. That was nice. I love them so much. They are doing very well, Im happy about that. One less thing to worry about. Life seems a little back to normal.