Ok, woke up this morning made coffee, jumped in the shower got dressed, woke up the husband, Yes he called in sick today, which was nice he never takes off it's very rare. I had to return some library books, knitting books of course. And he was feeling better it took a few hours. Then he came along for the ride. We stopped at taco bell, my favorite, and then I paid for it later. Thank god it wasn't in the library. hehehehe!!
so I took out a few more library knitting books and a few movies. And one of them was serendipity! Of course I was crying it was so good. I never saw it before. And I've been wanting to watch it for the longest time but kept missing it on TV, a very girly movie. I was so into it, that most of the time I wasn't looking at my knitting I just kept on knitting. Now I have to check on it to see if there is any mistakes. hehehe! It was a good day, I didn't watch the bosses kids today. Thank god. Im getting tired of it, I don't want to see my boss no more than I have to. Bla!!
and that about it, Not much more to report, except that im still waiting for my package from Uruguay nothing yet im so mad, im getting very anxious. And that's it for my day I do have to take picture of the sweater I started up again, Im going to do that now.